Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's True!

You know how you hear things sometimes and you just roll your eyes and go – yea, right? Stuff like – “Vegetables are good for you” and “Don’t run with scissors” and “You have to love yourself first before anyone will love you”?

Some of those damn things are true, you know. No, I’m not kidding.

The one I’m talking about now though is best summed up this way:
You’re only as sexy on the outside as you feel on the inside. Confidence in yourself *is sexy.

If you’re curious, I had a fantastic time in Philly. I spent 4 days with some of my favorite people on this planet, and soaked up as much love and affection and laughter as I could cram into my waking hours.

Not only that, but I got winked at, called ‘sexy’ and “loved” on by more people in those four days than I think I ever have in my life.

That, my friends, is what confidence will do for you.

Despite the fact that I’ve fucked up my knee, and am having to give it a break this week from the torture device…err, exercise bike… the exercise and the extra attention to detail about how and what I was eating paid off for me. I lost more weight in 3 weeks than I have in the last three months. No, it wasn’t a huge amount, but the freaking scale *did move, so I was a happy girl when I flew out of her on Friday, and I’m still happy about it today.

The fact is, I feel better. When I feel better, I look better. And when I feel great, I’m sexy as hell. (Arrogance? No. Confidence, yes!)

I’m not nearly done, but I’m getting closer all the time. And when I get there, I’ll know it.


I’ll be goddamn irresistible /wink

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