Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I was running a little late this morning. For some reason, I woke up several times during the night last night. That's not typical for me, I usually sleep very well, especially when I've been exercising (which I got back to this week).

Anyway, I just opened up my closet and grabbed pretty much the first thing I saw, which was a man's button down white shirt. (Not a suit-shirt, more of a casual shirt, but long sleeved with a full collar and all). I threw it on with my black jeans and went on about my morning, not really giving it much thought. I work in a casual office. I am thankful for that every day *smile*

About midmorning , I went outside for a few minutes. I was standing in front of the window by my desk, and I caught my reflection in it. And then I grinned.

My friend R told me many years ago that the sexiest thing a woman could wear (for him) was a man's shirt, panty-hose and heels. And nothing else. Something about all that femininity wrapped up in the masculinity of the shirt, and the contrast thereof really does it for him. Thinking on it, I still owe him a picture.... *smirk*

That whole train of thought came back to me as I glanced at my reflection this morning. It must be a popular theme, all things considered, and not just for R. If you look at lingerie sites (not that I ever would...*whistle), under the costume section, there are several that have small touches of masculinity - ties, shirts, cuffs, hats - never enough to be androgynous, but just enough to really offset the femininity of the person wearing it.

I'm really not a girly-girl. I'm not masculine, either, and I've never not enjoyed being a woman, but I'm not all pink and made-up and hair fluffed to within an inch of it's life. I wear mostly jeans (women's jeans, not men's :p). Boots (black ankle boots with a zipper, again, women's). Rarely do I wear make-up unless I'm going out for something big, or unless I just feel like it. Same with perfume.

Most of the time, I'm thankful for that, because it's much cheaper being me :p

But even without the over-coiffed hair and the high heels, I make this shirt look pretty good *grin* And honestly I think that's the whole point. Feeling good in your clothes is the key to looking good in your clothes. And feeling sexy is priceless.

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