Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Moment in the Sun

As you can see, I've been writing again. *grin*. The Slut (see One Of The Three) has had her moment in the sun twice this week. The Tease has a few tricks up her sleeve for later on, and right now, The Princess is getting some fresh air.

When I start a story about being dominated sexually, I can typically write it straight through. Even if I'm writing about plain old sex I can do that. But when The Princess is in the driver's seat (even though she's not old enough to drive! ha), I find that I write, then stop - write, then stop. I've been thinking about that tonight, curious as to why.

I get fidgety. Not in a "I don't want to write this." or a "I can't write without taking a break and stuff." kind of way. But I definitely have a need to divert my attention, even if it's only for five minutes or less, and then come back to her. I'm doing that right now; I'm typing this post while she's on ice for a few minutes.

It might well be because when I start a story from almost any point of view, I know where it's going to end, and how. I get the entire image in my head before I even type the first word. It's rare for me to surprise myself midway through, although I have done it. Yet anytime I start a story involving the younger, innocent persona, I only see the first little bit before I'm compelled to start writing.

It might also be because she works me up in a totally different way than any of the others.

Or it might just be because I want her stories to be different.

Regardless, she's getting out to play in the sunshine. Maybe she can get a little tan to go with the white blouse ...

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