Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What Comes Around...

I got asked recently for a copy of the full story that I started to post here. It was a story that I wrote over several days and ended up being MUCH longer than originally intended, and was built solely around some initial impressions I had of someone I have gotten to know much better since then.

Since I was emailing it out, I decided to re-read it.

That turned out to be a blessing and a curse *grin*

*clears throat* Anyway....

I remember when I finished the story I hadn't been all that happy with it, but re-reading it last night and this morning, I can't for the life of me remember why. It could use a bit of editing of course, but it really is a good exploration of the whole first impression thing, and also of fighting the losing battle of being submissive. I'm not arrogant about my writing but I am smart enough to know when something is good as opposed to sucking - and this story does not suck.

I'm always saying that I want to write more fiction. I get on these little kicks where I'll write 3-4 stories in a week and then nothing for months. My state of mind, of course, has a lot to do with the kind of writing I'm able to do - and if I'm not in a sexual place because of stress, or lack of inspiration, or any other myriad of issues, I'm not going to feel like pumping out hot sex stories. But when things are even, and I feel inspired and am truly living in the sexual side of myself, I'm able to pour it out easily.

I also seriously need to start getting some stuff published again. I've been a total slacker about that over the last couple years and while I don't mind writing just for me and a few other selected people, I really would like to get back out there again.

I have always said that if I could write for a living, I would in a heartbeat. But could I? Not erotica, certainly. It doesn't pay all that great *grin*

Ah, well. Maybe I'll get myself in the mood with week and see what I can't get down on the screen.

Or maybe I'll just go back and re-read a few other stories and get...um...inspired...ya, inspired /wink

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