Saturday, June 02, 2007


Sometimes, for me, it’s the very simplest of things that take me the furthest over the edge.

I’ve been in elaborately planned scenes, in which everything was so close to scripted that it was nearly devoid of spontaneity. While in some cases, all that planning is necessary, in most, it really isn’t, and knowing what’s coming takes a good chunk of the fun out of it for me. There is a big difference between expecting a particular action or reaction, and actually knowing it’s coming.

I’ve also been incredibly turned on by the simplest touch, word, tone of voice, caress that wasn’t perhaps intended to have that particular outcome, but did, simply because it was – simple.

I’ve discussed before how certain ‘pet names’ have a definite and predictable effect on me. And in the proper time and place, very deliberate actions, words and phrases will set me off hard and fast.

There are other words and phrases though, that are perhaps softer and said with a completely different tone of voice that can have a similar end result, whether they were intended to or not. Maybe they weren’t said on purpose, or with any thought. Maybe they were just said in the moment. Sometimes, absolutely, that’s the best of them for me.

What matters for me, right now, is that I recognize the power that’s held in the simple things.

And it’s not always words. As I said, sometimes it’s the tone of voice (soft but firm), a touch (a hand on the back of my neck), movement (moving me into another position without any sort of warning, even in a public setting) – things that to an outsider (outside of the other person and myself) wouldn’t blink at, but cause a result in me so profound that I can feel it in the pit of my stomach. It all goes back to another of my loves – the subtle.

Many people seem to have a need to make things complicated. There are rules and procedures and conventions to follow; proper behavior, taking care to not cross a line, being mindful of what society finds acceptable, and what they don’t. And while there’s something to be said for the need for structure in some cases, there’s also something to be said for the unpredictable and spontaneous.

And something simple taking me from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat is better than any words I could say about them at all.

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