Friday, June 01, 2007

Who's in Your Fantasy Life?

The other day, I was flipping through my Stat Counter page, and following the links to pages that led people to my webpage and my blogger. That's always interesting to do once in awhile, to see who has you linked and how people are finding you.

One of the links was something I'd never seen before, and it was an interesting concept. Unfortunately, it's defunct now (not updated), but I flipped through a few of the older postings.

Someone had set up a blog that gave blogging ideas to submissives.

Now, you know me. I get very irritated at all this romanticizing of d/s stuff for the most part, and there was a lot of that. But there was one particular 'idea' that I actually wrote down, because it's an angle I hadn't ever considered as a topic before. It's at home, of course, and I'm at work, so I'll have to parapharse it here.

When you fantasize, is it about people you know or people you made up?

My previous post about porn was born out of this question. I know many people who masturbate to porn almost exclusively. I rarely do, because as I stated in that post, what's in my head is usually better. I mean seriously - who knows what makes me wet better than me? There are times of course when porn works better, because my mind is clouded up with too much stress, but that's the exception for me and not the rule.

So - are the people in my little fantasies people I know? Or faceless strangers?

Typically they are people I know - or at least, know of. While I do occasionally fantasize about things I've actually done, most of the time, I end up taking something that's a fantasy for me, and sticking someone I'm sexually attracted to into it. I have quite a stash of these. Quick, dirty scenarios that I can plug one or two different people into and be equally as turned on. Some, only one person will do. And occasionally, if it's something I'm not sure anyone I know *would* do, I'll put a faceless stranger into it, and go with that.

Some of my best stories were created out of these fantasies. Some of them yearn to be written still.

I'm not a huge fan of faceless strangers, but in a pinch....

I'm not one to fantasize about celebrities. (Oh all right, I have a short one about Salma Hayek, cut me some slack :p). I like real people. People with real bodies. Airbrushing someone's faults is like taking the real out of them and replacing it with plastic. While I realize some people can get hot and bothered that way, I don't.

I do occasionally 'look back fondly' on things I've done sexually and use those for masturbatory material. I have a few in the back of my mind that just spring forward sometimes, begging to be re-watched like a well-worn copy of "Clerks" (without the black and white, and the off-color humor of course. While that's hilarious, it's not sexy). Typically though, if I'm living in the moment, I want to create a situation and roll with it. These stashes of fantasies I have in my head change slightly each time I 'use' them, almost as if I'm trying to either perfect them (so they can be written maybe) or alter them so that they're almost like new.

Of course, the question didn't specifically say - what do you think about when you masturbate, did it? /smirk I took it that direction because that's the only time I really fantasize to any great detail. I tend to not fantasize during sex with a real live person, just because usually I'm focused on that person and what they're doing/what I'm doing. I haven't found a need to do that, really, since I left my first husband (Mr Vanilla) some years ago.

While it's true that you can catch me fantasizing at other times, I typically keep these 'light'. Once I pass 'the point of no return', no matter what I was doing, it's likely I'm going to have to turn it into a masturbation fantasy, anyway /smirk.

Fantasies are wonderful tools. They allow you to explore desires you may not have the courage to explore in real time yet, they allow you to relive things you've done and alter the reality of it to fit your mood. They allow you to be creative and sexy at the same time. They may even show you a direction you didn't even know you wanted to go.

And if you're lucky enough to be able to 'plug in' real people to your have it made.

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