Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Discovered: A New One

So, I drove to my folks' on Sunday. Typically this is a 2 hour drive max, but with traffic and detours it ended up being more like 2:45. By the time I hit the town across the river from them, I was already running late. So I took the back road around town and....

*cue cop car lights here*

I got pulled over. Now, this is the second time this year (but also only the second time in nearly 10 years) that I've gotten stopped. And I haven't gotten a ticket either time. Because a) I'm overly polite and b) I flirt. I've been flirting my way out of tickets since the first time I got stopped :)

Anyway, that's not really the point here. The point is that on the rest of the drive to my folks' house I got to thinking about all that. And in addition to the Princess, The Slut and the Tease, I think I found a new person in my head (seriously...I'm not mentally ill, I'm just very quick to say and write about things that you know you have but won't admit allowed!).

Enter: Little Miss Recalcitrant -- okay, well that's too long, but it'll work for now.

She looks a lot like the Princess but she's snapping her gum, wearing dark eyeliner and isn't standing demurely. Nope, she's got a defiant hand on her hip. She knows she's in trouble. And even though she's resisting you by narrowing her eyes, she's going to do whatever it takes to get out of trouble, so you don't take her car keys/CDs/iPod away from her.

And I do mean whatever it takes.

I think she's going to be fun to write about.... *evil*

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