Friday, April 04, 2008

You can leave your hat on ...

I'm having such a great time with the questionnaire, but I figured I'd better take a break from it so that my answers stay fresh :) I still have a long list of questions to go, and will probably get back to working on them tonight.

In the mean time, I ran across a page with some quotes I liked recently, and this one keeps coming to the top of the list for me for some reason:

The good thing about masturbation is that you don't have to get dressed up for it. ~ Truman Capote

That's all well and good, Mr. Capote, but what if you want to get dressed up for it? *smirk

I understand that masturbation is yet another thing that people view differently. I almost said men and women there, but from my own personal relationships I know it's not that kind of line.

For some people, it's purely a stress reliever and a frustration release valve. Getting off lets off some steam that may not have another outlet. It's quick, either in a bathroom or other private place. And as soon as it's over, it's a quick hand wash (hopefully) and off to something else.

On the other end of the spectrum from the "Quick and Dirty" crowd are the "I make love to me" crowd, who make a huge production out of mastubating. Candles, music, sensual materials, maybe even special silk sheets on the bed. They take their time, prolonging the experience for as long as possible.

You have people who do it, but would never admit to doing it because of their religious or social beliefs. You have married men who do it to porn on their computers every day while their wives are out. You have women who spend half an afternoon in bed with themselves because they can't bring themselves to tell their partner what really makes them cum. You have people who try and fail to have orgasms this way. You have others who simply never have -- and never would -- do it at all.

You would assume that masturbation is strictly for sexual satisfaction, wouldn't you? Not so. As I said above, it's also good for stress relief. For some people, the sexual satisfaction is simply a byproduct of the real emotion driving their jacking-off: anger, revenge, grief, shame, hurt. And yet others do it for no other reason than it's become a habit or a nice warm security blanket that they curl up before they go to sleep at night. In that vein, it can also be used as a sleep aid. Ask me how I know /wink.

You have people who consider masturbation when you have a partner to be as bad as cheating. I'm not in agreement with that, however, having had some experience with Mr Internet Porn While The Wife is Busy that I wrote of above, I can tell you that if it becomes a frequent occurence it's likely indicative of other problems in the relationship.

But back to Mr Capote ....

Have I ever dressed up to masturbate? Yes. Not often. But I have, either by request (from a dominant or dominant partner) or because I wanted to. Have I ever made a big production out of playing with myself? Candles and soft music? no. Special sheets? no. But a locked door, a variety of toys at my disposal and an erotic novel or some other stimulant handy? Yes, I have. I've been known to spend an hour or so getting myself off over and over when it was something I felt the desire to do.

It's unfortunate that most of the time that's not really a viable option. Frequently, having an orgasm is the last thing I do before I close my eyes to go to sleep at night. I'll get ready for bed, turn off the light (most of the time *grin), and have one,maybe two good orgasms before I roll over and go to sleep. Timing, more than anything else, dictates that.

That's not to say that I don't do it at other times of the day. I do. But that time of the day is most consistent, and happens almost nightly.

Timing is not always the deciding factor. Sometimes, the deciding factor is the fact that I need to get off, right then. I've been known to masturbate in the bathroom in the warehouse at work, in my car and a couple of other less inappropriate places. When the need is enough that I need to ask myself if it's worth the risk, it usually is.

So, no, Mr Capote, you don't have to dress up to jack off. But you certainly can. And maybe sometimes, you should ~

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