Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's the little things ...

I wrote about hands earlier. And how sexy I find strong, masculine hands.

But there are other things that say masculinity to me. Things that I find incredibly sexy. Things that make my knees weak. I like manly men. I like men who look like and sound like and smell like and *feel like men. Men have those physical characteristics that I find so enthralling.

My email box tonight reminded me of one that I hadn’t consciously thought of for awhile.

I love chest hair. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that before. But the fact is there’s something I like a little bit more. That line of hair that runs from a man’s navel to their pubic bone – thick or thin, dark or light - as long as I can see it against the color of his skin – as long as it’s evident – it’s almost enough to wind me up.

It’s not just that it’s a very masculine thing. It’s because it’s a very subtle way of leading my eyes, my fingers or my tongue to what lies beneath it. I always want to see where that line of hair goes, whether in my mind or in the flesh.

The fashion these days seems to be for men to shave off most of their body hair, especially facial hair and chest hair. I think that’s a shame. I realize that some women do like that, but for me, that’s like taking away one of my play toys *grin Leave it alone. I like it just the way it is.

I am a fan of subtle. That’s why when someone asks me what I find sexy, the first things that spring to my mind are not cock, ass, lips… it’s the little things, that add up to be big things for me. Like the hands. And that hair ….

Men are visual creatures. That’s not news. But it might interest those visual creatures to know that women can be that way, too. It’s just different things we want to look at *grin

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