Saturday, November 15, 2003

Again -- my lack of writing is not for lack of wanting to. I just got back from 9 days in Iowa with my folks', and came home to 3 big candle/soap orders - YAY!

C. is due home next month - and immediately afterwards, we'll be leaving for Christmas in Wyoming and Iowa - so I don't expect to have much time to write until after the first of the year or so. Boooooooo.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

And I'm about to get even busier....

Damn, I'm pissed off that I've not been able to write. Orders are flowing (holiday season), and now I'm going to be taking a trip home next week - for about 10 days.

All of your emails and comments are greatly appreciated. Hopefully I'll get back to my normal rambling soon!