Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Break from all that serious...

There is something very sexy about bondage. That’s not a secret with me, right? But I saw this image awhile back and it struck me pretty hard for whatever reason. It’s a lot of rope and a lot of work and the same effect could be achieved with a lot less time and energy. It’s not that her hands are bound, or that there is rope around her body. It’s her arms that intrigues me.

When I was filling out the questionnaire, I made mention of my experiences with bondage inside a bdsm relationship. It *can be for show. It *can be a lot of work. It *can be just for discipline or pain play purposes. But it doesn’t have to be for any of those reasons. And it doesn’t have to be any of those things. Sometimes, bondage can just be – because.

Arms behind my back? Hot. It’s just a little bit more forceful than my hands. It’s just a little bit more serious. It’s just a little bit more intimidating and real. I can only remember being bound like that once, and it was at a party. It was fun, because the binder was a good friend of mine but it didn’t go much further than that, and that’s always disappointed me a little.

Maybe that’s why hog-tie pictures, like this one, always intrigue me, too.

Maybe I just felt like posting pretty bondage pictures. *smirk

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