Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Night Ramble

I think I mentioned recently that I have my laptop set up in my living room on the wireless and that I’m doing the majority of my blogging from the comfort of my recliner. I love being able to do this. It’s so comfortable in here. I used to hate this chair, because I bought it for C. It’s not my taste as far as furniture and it’s certainly not my color (it’s light blue). But it’s comfortable to write in, so for now it’s safe.

Well, until I get this round chair that I saw while I was on the East Coast and fell in love with ( and have had more than one sexual fantasy about …. But that’s another story entirely. It’s sort of like this but not this big.) the recliner will have to do.


I have the laptop set up on a TV table next to recliner and it sits there until I need it (like now) and I stretch out. That’s my favorite part, I think. The stretching out.

I mentioned earlier that I’m at least partially double jointed. I like to find new ways that my body bends into different positions. So I’m lying here tonight, after putting up my last post, all comfortable and proud of myself, and I realized how I was laying in the chair.

The heel of my right foot was right up against the inside of my thigh. It could not have gotten any closer to the top – you know what that means without me having to say it, right? You want me to say it, don’t you? But I’m a tease, and I’m not going to *grin

While it’s true I’ve discovered a few new ways I can bend my body around since I’ve shed some weight, it’s always interesting to find a new one *grin It reminds me, mostly, of how far I have come. And on those days that I wake up unhappy with my body, those kinds of things are more than enough to pull me out of it.

Here’s to hoping I never run out of them.

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