Sunday, September 20, 2009

Unexpected Places

So, last time I took a big ol' pile of "library inappropriate" material to Half Price Books I picked up this book How To Set His Thighs On Fire, thinking I was going to get a book jam packed with writing ideas (What, you think every inspiration for a post comes from my own experiences?  lol no.  Some, yes.  Many, yes.  All, no.)  .

What I got was something very different.

In amongst the Cosmo-inspired chapters about sex are several that are more that are about your work life, your personal life, your family life, your friends... It was a perfect book for those "in the car sneaking a smoke at work" moments, and Kate has a very clear writing style that makes her very easy to read.  I didn't agree with all of it, but I did enjoy most of it.

One of the chapters in the book, toward the end, really made me think.

She says (And the book isn't right here, so I'm not quoting) that sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself "What's missing?" when it comes to making goals and life decisions. She goes on to say, in a later chapter about solving problems and coming up with ideas, that sometimes you just have to pose your problem in the form of a question and take it out into the world to look for the solution. 

I like that idea, and I'm definitely going to give it a try where my writing is concerned.

As far as the "What's Missing?" question goes, it's a question I've asked myself quite often in the last year, but I think I've been ignoring the response from the universe.  I think I'm going to have to pose the question again when my mind is mellow and I can sit quietly without needing to be distracted.  It's been awhile since I could do that.

You just never know what you're going to get and where it's going to come from.  I was looking for sex ideas, and I got life ideas instead.  This is not to say she didn't mention sex at all -- she did.  But unfortunately, I didn't pick up anything new, nor was I inspired to write in that vein.

I wonder if I went and picked up a self-help book, I could get some sex ideas.  Cause honestly, I'm a little stalled there *smirk.

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