Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The TV is off.  I am not in the mood.

I updated iTunes on the laptop.  I need music. Headphones into the laptop.  Loud.  Good.

I have always had a very strong connection to music.  I played in all possible band configurations in high school and even wrote a little music.  I used to sing.  Lyrics will make or break a song for me; even if I like the music, if the lyrics suck, I probably won't buy the song.  But if I can't stand the music, the lyrics won't get listened to. I am fond of many kinds of music, from 60's Motown to 70's rock and sappy ballads, 80's hairbands, 90's alternative and even some of today's stuff.  I enjoy some New Age music, a select few country songs, and some odd stuff here and there.

Music is entertainment.  Therapy.  Relaxation or invigoration, whichever is needed.  It sets a mood.  It fixes a mood.  It lays groundwork.  It breaks up previously laid groundwork.

Music is breath.
And if music *is breath, then books are food.

I spent my lunch hour today doing what I love: browsing a used book store for bargains.  I took in 2 bags of library inappropriate reading material and turned them into (with 12.00) another full bag of books.  Some library appropriate, some not *smirk.

Every day, I take care of myself and my house and my job and my car and my cat and my family and my finances and my friends.

Today, I am taking care of my soul.

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