Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today, this is my distraction.  I'm re-watching Season 2 of Queer as Folk.  I still haven't seen the last season of this series, so I'm re-watching everything up until then before I do that.

I find myself hunting for distractions.  Constantly.  Even at work, I'm doing 2-3 things at once to keep my mind from being idle.

The psychic yesterday told me that my life is full of clutter.  She's right.  And not just at a "I have too much shit just sitting around" kind of way. 

I packed up 4 garbage bags full of clothes and 7 grocery bags full of books today and am taking them to meet my folks tomorrow.  Clothes for the woman's shelter, books for their tiny town library.  Less clutter. Physically, anyway.

I watch too much TV these days, for that distraction.  She also said yesterday, as I wrote last night, that I need to focus on my writing, and I do.  But sitting in the recliner as I am now, typing on the laptop is not the same for me as sitting in my office and actually *writing.  I blog with the TV on.  Right now, I'm watching episode 18 of QaF Season 2.  But it's apparently not distracting enough, so I'm also messing around on Facebook. 


Because if I stop long enough.... if I let my mind stop.... if I sit with the quiet.....

I will have to think.

And apparently, I do not want to think.

I am going to try it though.  I'm going to try to let the quiet wash over me at some point today.  Because I need to get used to it.  I need to be able to sit at my desk to write without looking for more things to occupy myself with.

But right now, I need to finish my laundry and shower and finish watching this episode and think about dinner and ... and ....

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