Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Is this what you see?

I'll be the first one to admit that I have a shitty sense of perception. Anyone's who's been following this blog for awhile knows I've lost an incredible amount of weight, and yet I still have trouble gaging what I actually look like.

While flipping around the other day, I ran across a picture of actress Sara Ramirez (who apparently plays on Grey's Anatomy, though I've never watched that), who is a size 12.

Guess what. Me too.

I think she's gorgeous personally. (Then again, I have a crush on Salma Hayek so go figure). And if that's a size 12, and that's what I look like now - then I'm damn proud of myself.

I'm not done. Size 10 and/or another 18 pounds is the goal that my doctor and I set, but when I look at this picture, and one of my before pictures, I'm just grinning ear to ear.

Maybe that's why when I opened the lingerie bag last night (yes, I finally did order some!) it didn't scare me near as bad as it used to.

There's a great deal of confidence that comes with that realization.

The mood of the day is sexy confidence. Get in the mood~

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