Monday, January 08, 2007


So, I got an email from a faithful blog reader that said in part "... we're happy to see you back writing, but what's with the clean, dry stuff? Where's the naughty screamer we know and love ..."

What, talking about vulnerability and trust isn't good enough for you? *smirk*

In the interest of my readership (ok, all four of you or how many ever), let me veer off the "dry" highway for something more interesting.

Since I turned 29 or 30, my orgasms have just continued to get better and better. Stronger. Longer. More intense and felt more deeply. When they say women reach a sexual peak later than men, it can only be because we just get better with age *smirk*.

Having said that, I'll add this to it. Most of the time, I fantasize or read erotica while masturbating (c'mon, anyone who's been reading this for a couple years knows how long I've gone without a steady sex partner lol). I have a few old standby fantasies that always work, and add a new one occasionally.

But there is absolutely nothing better than being inspired.

Except maybe being asked (or told) how to masturbate by someone else.

That's better than almost any fantasy I can come up with on my own. It's someone *else's* fantasy, and in fulfilling it for them, it inspires me to add my own to it, and make it mine.

Gee, does that make me easy? :p

And if it does, so what?

No, actually, it doesn't. I mean it's not like just anyone could say "do this!" and I'd do it. It'd have to be someone I felt some kind of connection to - on some level, at some intensity. And it would have to be someone that I actually wanted to please. I am a submissive, but I'm a damn picky submissive, and just any old person telling me to masturbate standing on my head (*snicker*) isn't going to have the same result as say - someone who I do feel submissive to tell me to masturbate with a finger in my ass.

It gives me a certain focus that I might not have on another given day due to stress or anxiety about work or family stuff. It gives me an excuse to only be concerned with *one* thing - and that's doing what they ask. Getting myself off that way is almost always more intense.

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