Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Things You Don’t Need To Know….

…and I should be embarrassed to admit to anyone.

1. Tonight on the way home from work, I was blasting old Bon Jovi on my stereo. I’m talking “In These Arms” old. Half the music in my car (and a good chunk of my iPod) are full of 80’s hairband rock and roll and I blast it at every opportunity.
2. I’m addicted to these Eclipse Mints. I started buying them because I was trying to cut down on my smoking but turns out, I just love them, period. If I get close to running out, I’ll make a special trip to the gas station or Walgreen’s to get more.
3. All through high school, I bet I had 2 zits. Since I turned 30, I get 1 or 2 a month. My doctor says its hormones. I say it’s because my sister – who had terrible acne in high school – put a hex on me.
4. I bought the first season of Melrose Place on DVD.
5. I have 5 hotmail accounts, 2 gmail accounts, 2 accounts off my domain and 2 yahoo accounts. I don’t know why I collect email addresses like some women collect purses, but I only have two purses at any given time so I figure I’m allowed.
6. After writing #1 about Bon Jovi, I promptly fired up iTunes and started playing all the Bon Jovi I have on my hard drive. That’s currently 7 songs. But as I write I’m searching iTunes for more.
7. Of all the catalogs and crap I get in the mail, I look at the Frederick’s and Victoria’s Secret catalogs first.
8. If something is red, the chances I’ll buy it instantly double.
9. My fingernails match the color of my car right now.
10. I blatantly stole this idea from an email I got on MySpace (yes, I have a MySpace, bite me)

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