Friday, March 28, 2008

Beautiful and Sexy

I seem to be carrying themes today. So I’ll just stick with that. Whatever works, right?

On the subject of positive body confidence – comes this: What makes sexy and beautiful?

Many days, I wake up, brush my hair, look in the mirror and am pleased with what I see. Of course I’d like to get these last 15 pounds off and of course I’d like my skin to be clearer and brighter and of course I’d like my tits to be perfect little ski slopes, but all in all, I’m pretty pleased.

Then there are other days when I am displeased with my appearance. Not painfully so, but enough that I stare into the reflection and give myself a little pep talk about how far I’ve come and how in the back of my mind I know that I’ve gone from who I was to who I am.

And who am I?

I’m a sexy bitch.

That doesn’t all come from the outside. As a matter of fact, the majority of it comes from the inside. As I’ve grown up (and smaller), I’ve accepted that this is who I am.

There are spiritual beings that base their lives on their beliefs. There are family beings that base the value of their lives on having and raising children. There are work-aholics, bar-aholics and game-aholics. Everyone, at some point in their life, has something that they are passionate about. And for the last 20 years or so, for me, that has been sex.

I don’t mean having it non-stop. I mean living it. To me, there is a huge difference. Passion for sex is about much more than the physical aspects of it.

So it’s not such a leap for someone who doesn’t necessarily have the perfect body to be able to look into the mirror and say, “I am a sexy bitch.” I’m not afraid to try something new. I’m not afraid to wear something outrageous. I’m not afraid to let someone direct me and I’m not afraid to direct someone else. There is so little that I fear when it comes to sex. I wish I could carry that fearlessness into all parts of my life.

You don’t have to be a size 2 with C tits to be beautiful and sexy. You don’t have to be 6’4” with blue eyes and blonde hair and perfectly defined abs to be beautiful and sexy, either.

You just have to know, inside yourself, that you are – beautiful and sexy.

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