Thursday, February 15, 2007

Playing Catch Up

I had a quiet night tonight, good for catching up with various boards, and emails from alt and another bdsm site I belong to.

A wonderful quote: "I want the kind of Man a Woman can trust when she can no longer trust herself. "

I got asked in an email tonight (y'all knew I was going to start sharing the silliness again didn't you?) if I had to classify my submissive self as one of the following, which would it be? The choices were passive, trashy, innocent, bratty or obedient.

What the hell - no "all of the above"? What kind of crap is that?

I am all of those things. Sometimes more than one at once. Sometimes I am none of them, and something else entirely. I do not fit one mold. I do not wear one pair of boots (you were expecting shoes there, weren't you? How long have you been reading here?). Over the course of a day, I can be many or none of them at different times. I sometimes adapt to my surroundings, I sometimes create my surroundings with my behavior.

I don't blame the guy. He probably stole the question from somewhere else. But expecting anyone - even a "submissive" to fit into one role 24/7 is akin to expecting the sun to stay out all night and day.

My response to him was simple: I asked what time it was where he lived. /shrug

As a nice bonus though, it was all spelled correctly and he used proper grammar, so I couldn't possibly be mean /wink.


And if I see the word "Subbie" one more time tonight, I'm liable to go postal.

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