Saturday, October 10, 2009


As I've mentioned, I'm re-watching QaF seasons 1-4 in preparation for finally getting to see the final season of this wonderful series.

I like this show, much the same way as I like The L Word.  Not only because they are about alternative lifestyles, and deal with sex in frank and 'in you face' ways, but because they deal with real people.  Even if the relationships they show are same-sex for the most part, the dynamics are the same as any other relationships. 

I think my favorite character on QaF is Emmett.  He's flamboyant and silly.  But he's also blind to outer appearances and really sees with his heart.  Just like I used to.  For me, that didn't work out well, but for Emmett, it seems to work wonderfully.  He knows when to say yes and he knows when to stay and when to go.  He's a romantic.  But he's got balls, and he's smart.  I like him. 

Dynamics in sexual relationships fascinate me. 

I said in a previous post that I was thinking about polyamory.  And I have done that.  Thought about it, that is.

And the fact is, I don't think that'll work for me.  And it occurred to me why this week:

I need to feel special.  I told M for two years while we were talking about poly, that I didn't need to be his only girl, but I did need to be his "best girl".  He couldn't work within those parameters, apparently.

But that's all right.  Because the sooner you get to know the someone else's truth, the sooner you can make up your own mind about how your truth works with theirs.

The dynamic still fascinates me.  I'm just not sure it's for me.

I've got time to decide what is for me.  All that matters is that I'm actively thinking about it.

And I am.

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