Saturday, October 10, 2009


I've had a good week, as I said last night.  Not an easy week.  Not necessarily a happy week overall.  But a good week nonetheless.

I have re-focused.  I have taken back control.  I have allowed myself to step out of the little box I put myself in for reasons that only existed in the reality of my mind -- not in the real reality.

Not only do I feel stronger, I feel healthier. I feel more peaceful, less aggitated.

All of that has some pretty fabulous side effects.

Like feeling sexier. Energized.  Optimistic.  Grateful.

I cleaned the entire upstairs of my house so far today, hung up some things that have been laying around for months, did laundry, changed my bed and put the winter blanket on... and it's only 2pm! I also put a whole level on my WoW paladin that I play with my east coast friends.

I'm mostly writing this in case I ever get stuck in that box again.  So I can look back, and say "I got out of the box then. I can get out of the box now." And stop wasting so much fucking time.

It's not enough to think outside the box.  You gotta GET outside the box.

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