Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lustful Intentions

If only it were this simple.

I do think lust is good for you, in most cases.  Physically, emotionally, mentally.  I think keeping our sexuality working like a finely oiled machine makes us healthier overall.  Even if you aren't having sex, if you're fantasizing and you're masturbating, your wheels are getting to speak....more often than folks who don't.

Don't get me wrong; I think that real old fashioned fucking is better for you than the single-based version, but self-greasing is good for you too.  It keeps your blood pumping, your mind working and a smile or smirk on your face.  It's all good in varying degrees.

It's rare, but occasional even I go through a dry spell, where I can't seem to focus enough to pull it off.  Recently, I've found that the things that I think about when I masturbate have changed.  Not drastically, but it's definitely been whole new situations than the old standbys that I've been used to.  They had to change, because the old ones just were not working anymore.

This is not new for me. It happens during certain life-events for me.  When I have to force a change in all areas of my life to clean up one.  It's not a bad thing.  It takes me out of my comfort zone and forces me to open new doors. Sometimes, those doors prove to be very lucrative in the sense that my mind opens to new possibilites.  It forces me to lust for new things.

Revel in your lust.  It's good for you.

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