Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Something's Different

Something's different with me today. I can't put a finger on it yet, but some part of my attitude has definetley altered. I wonder if I had a dream last night, or if all this reading about self-image has helped mine (lol). I've gotten a lot accomplished today - more than usual - and I'm feeling pretty tickled about that.

I spent some time reading some other blogs today. I don't do that often, but once in awhile I find one that intrigues me. It's fun to find out that other people who do blogs, and are in ds relationships, also talk about stuff other than the ds - ha ha.

(took a break to go clean the hall bathroom. See what I mean? I'm weirding myself out today)

I like these little bursts of energy though. I'm gonna have to find out how to have more of these :)

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