Saturday, June 06, 2009

Something I never had

All of my life, people in my family have told me that I was built like my grandmother's sister. Everything in the front, nothing in the back. And it's true. I have always had above-average sized breasts and a flat ass.

With all of the weight loss, my body definitely changed. And some of those changes, I've been consciously working toward.

Like actually having an ass. (No, this is not my ass. My ass has yet to be photographed :p)

This did not happen on it's own. A lot of exercise bike and some very specific exercises geared toward building some volume back there. So far, so good. When I put on a pair of jeans, there is actually a curve. I'm continuing to work at it every day, even though I'm not really riding the bike. It has good side effects; it's actually taken some size off my outer thighs as well. I have great hopes. I'm hoping that I'm going to be able to do some shaping on my own, because the plastic surgery that I still need isn't going to happen for a while yet. I want it. But I don't want to sacrifice the work I'm doing to get my finances in better shape to get it done right now.

Another side effect of this is that I'm happier with how I look in clothes (from the back anyway *grin*). That builds confidence.

As I said the other day, I'm still not satisfied with my weightloss and in my head, I still need to lose another 10-15 pounds. I was told recently that I'm nuts, and that what's left is all skin, but I'm not sure I buy that yet. I know that I have unrealistic expectations. My head is firmly ensconced in popular media, and I definitely don't look the way I really want to look. Again, the surgery would help, but I still want to try and get a bit more off before I go back to the surgeon for another evaluation.

Awhile back, I bought a pair of these panties (right) from Victoria's Secret (mine are light blue with polka dots). They laid in my dresser for months (I did wear them once, then put them away), but I got an opportunity to wear them again recently, and I was definitely happier with them than the first time I put them on. They fit like they were supposed to fit. I felt utterly and completely sex-kitten in them and I think they had the desired effect. I've said it before, and I will say it again. Life is too short for cheap, ugly underwear and this occasion certainly drove that home for me.

So there are little things that I can do - and am doing - to alter my body in ways that do my body and my mind good.

I know that my previous postings about my body have been more negative, but frankly, I am grateful for this little thing (or, big thing that used to be little?) and that I've been able to accomplish it.

I'm never going to look like little Miss Victoria Secert above. But then again, she's never going to have my sense of humor and my overwhelming obsession with sex and pleasure either.

Everything evens out.

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