Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Running Backwards in Heels

I have a whole list of topics for this blog. I have time in the evenings most nights to write in it. I am often inspired throughout the day, and send emails home to add new things to the ever-growing list.

Do I write? No.

I have a block, no question. Between internal dialogue so loud the TV can't even drown it out, and work, and my newly found soon-to-be-ex deadbeat, I can't seem to focus on writing.

I want to.
I need to.
I have things to say! I have erotica to write! I have topics to discuss and titillation to pen, and yet I sit here and ... well, I sit here and NOT write.

A friend of mine said tonight that it's not good to force myself to write, and I used to believe that whole-heartedly, but right now...I'm wondering if maybe force isn't what I need to power myself through this.

(By the way, I want the shoes above, but more than wanting them, I want to get fucked silly while wearing them.)

Hm. Well, that thought is a little inspiring.....

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