Thursday, June 05, 2008

Catch up

By my own admission, books are my drug of choice, and me walking into a Half-Price Books is akin to a junkie going to a crack house. But walk in I did last week on my lunch hour, and books I did buy.

The stack on my nightstand grows, as does the one on the table beside me. Fiction upstairs, non-fiction downstairs, but the piles grow precarious.

I should be ashamed. But I'm not. I am a book whore.


I watched Season One of The Tudors this week. I loved it. I can't wait to get Season Two. This is a part of english history that I know very little about, and in amongst the sex and intrigue are some very clear history lessons. The writing is crisp and inviting. The actors carry their parts, and I ended up feeling sorry for villains and disliking heroines. That's what keeps me interested in a series. It makes me change my mind. Even the music is good.


I began outlining the fantasy novel (well one of them) that's been living in my mind for the last several months. I hope to keep at it, and get my characters set enough soon so that I can actually start writing. Well, providing my current writer's block subsides, that is.


As I spoke of in my most recent post, I've started watching my calories very closely and exercising daily again. It feels good to take control of that back, and I guess I'm thankful to that stupid scale at the doctors office for smacking me up 'side the head. I'm doing very well, and that makes me happy. Perhas the happiness will break the block as far as writing is concerned as well.

I can hope, can't I?

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