Monday, June 16, 2008

Some decisions should be stuck to

I remembered Sunday morning why I put my scale away in the first place.

After a good first 10 days on the new exercise/eating plan, my plan went afoul during the "Flood of Jill's Living Room" and I wasn't able to work out at all last week, but I accounted for that in my daily calorie intake, and at the end of the week, I was still about 6500~ calories under my weekly BMR total. So I should have lost at least a pound, maybe 1.5.

The scale read exactly the same as it did last Monday.

And this, my friends, is why scales SUCK.

Even without working out, the calorie cut would have meant weight loss. But the scale is fickle and doesn't understand anything beyond it's own little digital hell.

I'm not letting it stop me, or push me any further into a calorie deficiet. I've learned over the last three years that moderation is the key to losing weight and not fucking up my knees (by pushing too hard on the bike). I did get to ride last night, and I ate lunch (breakfast, of course) at Country Kitchen with my folks yesterday for Father's Day, so maybe that'll kick the scale in the ass before I toss it out into the garage just to watch is shatter.

But I won't find out til next Sunday.

I am not letting that piece of electronic equipment take over my life again. Yes, I have a goal and yes, I want to hit it, but the scale is not the friend of someone who's gotten this close to being at an 'ideal weight' after having been overweight my entire life.

So it's been relegated back to it's corner until next weekend. And the bike is once again ready to be ridden daily.

I'm a little disappointed of course, but not as devestated as I'd have been (and was on many occasions) last year. I think my attitude and approach are healthier this time.

At least I hope they are.

No, I know they are.

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