Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I feel better today. I think maybe it’s because I crashed hard last night and nearly slept through C waking me up to tell me goodbye. I remember having very vivid dreams but don’t remember much of what they were about. And I remember feeling very rested when I woke up. I did a short Reiki session on myself last night and ended up falling asleep on the couch during Buffy. I needed that, I guess.

I have so much on my mind lately. Much of it is sex-related, but then again, a whole lot of it isn’t. I do it to myself. No one forces it on me. But finding a way to get out from under it isn’t easy.

The bedroom looks nice. I told C last night I wanted a headboard and footboard for the bed, when we can afford it, since the one we have now is broken. I would like to have a sleigh bed, or a mission-style bed, I think.

I’m working on candle testing today with some 8oz tins I have, and making up a new body butter recipe. I’ll see how it turns out.

More later. I want to talk a little more about bondage and some other “responsibility relieving” stuff.

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