Monday, October 23, 2006


For me, settling means two things today.

#1 - I really feel like I'm starting to settle into my new place. Which is good. Because I intend to make it actually "home" - not just a place to sleep as my last apartment was.

and #2 - I realized on the long-ass drive yesterday to Muscatine and back that I've been settling far too much in life.

I tried to remember the last time a man had to pursue me at all. Too many years ago.

I don't think I'm the dating type. Or maybe I should be. My life has been a trial of serial monogamy, I guess. I've gone from one relationship to the next, not really taking time between to decide what I wanted - and not really looking at the man to see if he was what I wanted and could give me what I want.

Ya, that shit's gotta end now.

I firmly stated again yesterday to my family that there are NO intentions in my head of ever getting married again. That's not to say I'm radically against marriage; it's just to say that I'm not looking for it, nor do I want it. Not now. Not for a very long time.

I'm also not crazy about sharing my space full time with someone. I've got all this space now; I want to be selfish with it.

I'm not entirely sure I even want to date.

Maybe. Soon. If....


All I really do know is that this time, I'm not going to settle for the first person who comes along and fits "some" of the criteria of what I expect in a mate. Nope. He better fit ALL or MOST of it if he wants somma this~


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