Monday, August 25, 2003


The first step to fixing *anything* is to admit there's something to fix.

I acknowledge that I'm sick of getting winded if I have to make more than 2 trips up and down the stairs. I acknowledge that I got a closet full of clothes I want to wear and can't. I acknowledge that I'm more obsessed with my weight than anyone else (C. has said -- that he has far less problems with it than I do, and vetoed me having my stomach stapled.)

The first step is really figuring OUT the second step. In my case, the second step is to start accepting myself as I am.

So I'm working on that.

And I'm not going to add to the problem, nor am I going to obsessively go back on Atkin's at this point. When I bought groceries, I bought stuff that's low fat or sugar free versions of stuff I usually would buy.

Serious dieting would be like step five. ha ha.

All in all, I had a quiet weekend. Hung some stuff up in the apartment (we've been here 9 months, I guess it's about time) and played some EQ. Cleaned a little. Ran errands this morning. Crap like that.

I'm working on a D/s story in my head. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it written this week. I got an essay swimming around in there, too.

Speaking of which, some of my essays have been translated for a European website. WooT. The guy was very nice, and asked permission for each of the ones he wanted. Pretty cool.

Couple weeks ago, someone emailed me, and told me that a person who USED to be on Strictly D/s took the name (Strictly D/s) and my welcome letter (verbatim) and created a Live Journal community. I put a comment on her web page, and threatened to go to Live Journal with her theft, and it's down now. People who don't have an original thought of their own don't need to go stealing mine. That shit just pisses me off.

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