Thursday, March 27, 2003

This is one of the question I was left with yesterday when I signed off: Would he or I enjoy it just as much if he just spanked me, without the added humor and dialogue?

And as I said yesterday, I can’t answer for him, but I can answer for me.

I can personally think of quite a few scenarios that wouldn’t involve humor per se, that I would enjoy this in. But I’m not sure how I’d react to it without any dialogue. I guess we could try that, if C wants to, but I’m not sure it would have the same impact for us as it does with us talking during the act. I’m not sure if C would need to have a “scenario” to work with, or if he’d like spanking me just as much without any pretense – just doing it because he can and he wants to.

You might have noticed yesterday that I didn’t mention war coverage or protestors or CNN once. That’s because I haven’t been watching as much of it. First, I’ve had other things to do, but more importantly, my mind needs a break from the constant barrage of images. I’m still angry about the continued protests, be sure.

My other open question from yesterday will be answered in a little while.

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