Saturday, March 22, 2003

Okay, so I'm a Navy wife. My husband is still here, on American Soil, but has a deployment to the Med coming up very soon. I can't turn CNN off. From the time I get up, until I go to sleep at night, I am watching CNN or Fox News. I've done little else, except work on candle and soap orders.

I'm on a couple of boards where they've started topics about the war. I can't express to you how angry I am at some of these people who protest this war. I'm not a fan of GW, no question. But a pre-emptive strike to rid the world of a piece of shit like Saddam Hussein is not a bad thing. If this saves lives - American or otherwise - in the future, then it will have been worth it.

On a Navy wife email list the other day, a woman was talking about seeing the chaplain van come through her housing area, and how much relief she felt when the van didn't turn on her street.

This war is personal for everyone in the military, and everyone who has a loved one in the military. So to all your flaming fucking liberals who like to shove "peace" up my ass, don't. I've got your peace. And it'll hurt much more than yours.

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