Sunday, March 23, 2003


I took a break from CNN tonight and watched a comedy (Legally Blonde) to try and relax. It worked somewhat. I bought a ton of fiction today at the bookstore, because right now, I need fiction.

I can't believe that there are websites that have the actual pictures of the POWs. I'm not posting a link. Fuck that. No one needs to see that. I can't believe the anger that I feel for those fucking "news" stations that thought it was ok to show a kid - a fucking KID - shot through the forehead.

Maybe the media is too deeply imbeded in this war. I haven't decided yet. I know that C can't watch it for long without wanting to change the channel. I think it hits too close to home for him.

The front line is now 60 miles from Baghdad. I cannot imagine the bravery of those men and women. I cannot imagine the fear - the honor - the courage. I sit in my 1000 sq. foot apartment with my central air and my fireplace and built in everything - I drive my shiny red car and smoke my cigarettes and read my email - and I cannot imagine what it's like to be them. But my husband can.

I send my Reiki energy and my light to the military. It's all I have to send.

Tomorrow is a new day. I hope it's a better one.

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