Monday, March 24, 2003

I can't sleep.

Probably because I started taking Xenadrine today. I only took the morning dose, but evidently, I'm still wired.

So, I usually give myself 30-45 minutes in bed, and if I can't fall asleep, I get back up. Tonight, I had to get back up. Ugh.

I have such a hard time shutting my mind off. I'm laying in there writing a new story in my head, one that I may someday get to finish, but more than likely not. I've got so many started stories floating around in my subconscious it makes my head spin sometimes. If I could discipline myself to sit down and write on a more consistent basis, I'd probably get half of them out in my lifetime.

I'm going to at least go put the start of it in a Word file. Then maybe I'll go back and work on it later on.

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