Tuesday, March 25, 2003

It's chilly here this morning, but is supposed to be up to 70, so I can re-open the windows. I have leather scented candles to make today, so I'm glad I'll be able to open the door. They're very strong.

I have CNN on again this morning. I'm watching much less of it, but still enough that I can keep up with what's going on.

Took C to base this morning, and am back, waiting for 9:30. I talk to my dad every morning at that time on AOL-IM. After that, is when I usually start my full day - either working on soap and candles or working around the house.

I miss working. I thought three months off would be a breeze, but it really hasn't been. I have such a guilt complex about not working, even though I still have nearly half of what I made on my last contract still in the bank. I'd like to go back to work but I'm not sure I want to program anymore. I'm good at it, and I make good money at it, but I'm slightly burnt out by the whole thing. I still haven't made up my mind.

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