Saturday, October 04, 2008

From life or fantasy

I traveled a couple weeks ago, and I always travel with one of my zillion spiral bound journals on the airplane. It seems to me that ideas of things to write about always come to me at the most inconvenient times, or at least, at times when I can’t really sit down and expound on them. So, as is typical for me, when a thought would strike, I’d write it down. I got several things to think further about, and some possibilities for story ideas. I wrote the first page of a story I’ve been working on (fantasy story, not a dirty story *chuckle).

One thing that I wrote down that I’ve been thinking about is this:

Is it easier to write from a place of experience, or complete fiction?

My erotica has always been a combination of the two. Some things I’ve done and enjoyed (or not enjoyed), and some things I’ve just fantasized about. But I think for me, the complete fiction option is the easier one. And maybe that’s why I haven’t written anything for so long – because my inspiration for new fantasies has sunk to an all time low.

I can, of course, write from real experience, and have many times. I’ve taken some things that have happened and expanded them, turning them into full-size erotic fantasy, and I’ve written things that happened, nearly verbatim.

But I think my best erotica comes from a place of complete and total fiction. Not because I haven’t had fabulous experiences in my life, but because I think that my writing totally shines when I have been inspired to think about something that I haven’t done. Whether it’s something I would actually enjoy ‘in the flesh’ or not, the idea of taking something new and making it sing to my soul, or better yet, someone else’s soul is a big part of the reason that I enjoy writing it in the first place.

When I’m not writing, it’s not because I have run out of experiences; things that I have done and enjoyed. It’s because I’ve run out of inspiration or that my life experience at the time doesn’t allow for any new inspiration to come through. And I think that’s what’s going on with me right now. I’ve just allowed so many other things to take over all of my energy and I don’t have enough left to fantasize about new things.

And I miss it. There’s nothing quite like finishing a piece of erotica for me, especially if I have to stop once or twice while I’m writing *wink. I’m hoping that I can get back to it soon.

I had a loose thought in that vein tonight. Maybe I’ll pull it off after I let it cook in my mind for awhile.

Until then, I guess I’ll just keep fantasizing about being about to fantasize…

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