Monday, July 28, 2003

Nice Memories.

I got an email from C. this morning. First one I've gotten since last time they went out of port. So he's obviously been on my mind all day. Once in awhile, a distant memory will come into my head, of something we've done in the past, and makes me smile. Today, I was remembering when we went to one of the casinos in Vegas - I want to say the Rio - and walked through the huge candy store they had. We laughed the whole time we were in there, and ended up spending well over 60.00 on stuff we hadn't seen in years, and odd flavors of Jelly Bellys. I just remember feeling at that time that life couldn't have been any sweeter (pardon the pun).

To the polar opposite of that, my mom called yesterday and said that my grandpa couldn't walk more than a few steps without wanting to pass out, so they were headed down to take him to the hospital. My sister, who lives 10 miles from my grandparents, couldn't be bothered. My parents drove 2 hours to get there to do this. My sister -- if I haven't mentioned this before -- is a selfish, no-self-esteem waste of air on this planet, and I hope to one day be able to wag my fucking finger at her and say "I told you so, you worthless bitch." It's a real long story, and I won't bore you with it, suffice it to say that she uses her children against my family. And frankly, I've given up on her.

Anyway, Poppo is in the hospital now, and it turns out his blood was way too thin from the meds. He's going to have to have a transfusion. Amongst other things.

I'm lucky, I guess, that I've had grandparents well into my thirties, and nearing 40. I had 5 grandparents and 4 great-grandparents for my entire childhood, then started losing them one at a time. I have 2 grandparents left - my mother's folks. I'm lucky that way. C has none.

Okay - enough of that.

Back to finishing the candles I'm pouring, and then either writing or EQ.

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