Monday, July 14, 2003

Hi there. Been catching up at home since I got back from vacation, but thought I'd sit down and write a little before I get busy again.
I've goten a couple phone calls from C. since he left. That sure helps. The email on the boat is touch and go, but at least I can hear his voice. It hasn't been bad yet- missing him. I do, don't get me wrong. But I haven't gotten that huge frustrated feeling that I hear so much about. Course, it's only been a month.
That blasted "Gift" topic came up on my email list again. Let me say this here, because I've said it everywhere else SUBMISSION IS NOT A GIFT. ARGH. That just irritates the hell out of me. How can you call something a gift, when you're getting just as much from it as you're giving? If you weren't, you wouldn't be fucking doing it now, would you? I just want to smack the hell out of people who say that it's a gift. For some reason, that's my pet peeve. Well, one of them. There are others

I've got to get back to writing again. I miss it. And I need to do it.

Started Atkins again on Saturday. Time to get this "moving stress" weight back off. Riding my new exercise bike, too. Man, they've improved those things since the last one I had. I'm impressed :)

Okay - back to soaping. You all behave :)

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