Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I wish I had something more exciting to write about :(

I find myself being very frustrated with C the last few days. Despite phone calls and emails, I've gotten no response from him. Maybe he's punishing me. I dunno. But the stuff I need to speak with him about - are bills and such that need to be put in his name since I'm gone - it's not trivial bullshit.

I said to him before I left - right before, actually, while I was standing by the car - that I believe he thought he was a lot more dominant and I thought I was a lot more submissive. The wording there is wrong.

It's just that I don't want to submit to someone who's got no interest in being submitted to.

When a relationship disintegrates, you're looking for answers. I'm still kinda looking for them. Between the Navy and the way C's Dad's death affected him - I probably have them, but I don't want to leave it there. I know I'm not blameless here.

In the mean time, Happy Thanksgiving. Hug your loved ones. I'll be hugging my parents and my niece tomorrow.

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