Saturday, July 25, 2009

You should know this ....

Here's a quote from the book I was waxing about here: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex ...

"Strangely enough, the list of ingredients in semen look a lot like the label on a bottle of vitamin pills. Semen contains at least two vitamins: Vitamin C and Vitamin B12. It also contains important minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. It contains two sugarlike substances: fructose and sorbitol. It is also very high in protein. That makes it, in addition to it's other obvious qualities, an excellent nutritional supplement. But it won't replace a balanced diet. It's important to note that semen is also high in cholesterol and sodium, and for those who should avoid these substances, caution is indicated."

I laughed hard when I read that. I'm guessing the author had to be laughing, too.

He goes on later to say that it also contains about 15 calories a "serving".

Good reasons to seek or avoid swallowing though, if you're looking for reasons or excuses *smirk*

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