Friday, May 11, 2007


Random things ....

I am now 16 pounds from my goal. I think I mentioned earlier this week that I kicked my exercise in the ass the last few weeks, and it seems to be paying off finally. They aren't lying when they say you need diet AND exercise for the last 20 pounds. I love my bike, but I may start looking for a dance class or something similar to occupy another couple days a week. Maybe a bit of strength training as well.

I got a hair cut this week. Nothing drastic. Maybe a half-inch off the length. I was willing to sacrifice that for some layers, because frankly, layers means I can get a little sloppier than having to straighten it every time I wash it :p The woman who cuts my hair is awesome. She knows I'm paranoid about losing length so she does her best to give me what I want without taking off too much. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my hair is my one true vanity.

I haven't worked much on my story idea, but as I was falling asleep last night, another layer of it came to me. I'm not one of those people that keeps a notebook by the bed, but I really should. Typically I have awesome ideas as I'm falling asleep - when my mind is completely open - and it's hit or miss if I lose them by morning.

I'm headed for Philadelphia Memorial Day Weekend to visit with some friends and throw a baby shower for one of them. I'm really looking forward to this trip. I have great friends. I wish I got to see them more often. I got a mileage card for Midwest Express (who I usually fly to Philly/East Coast) and my dad transferred their airline vouchers from their AZ trip from Midwest to me to use, so I'll have 2 cheap flights out there this summer later on - yay! I also have enough miles on US Airways to get a free flight anywhere in the country. Sweet!

That's all the tidbits. More to write. Work now, write later~

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