Saturday, July 03, 2010


I believe that every woman - and even some men - should have at least one thing in their closet that makes them feel absolutely drop dead abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous.

I have one.  I have the night shirt to the right (except mine is red, of course). When I put it on, I feel fucking sexy as hell and I can look at myself in the mirror and not cringe at imperfections.  My legs look fabulous, my body looks amazing and it makes me cocky as hell.

What a shame I only get it out once or twice a year. 

I typically only wear it when I know it's going to be seen by someone else.  I really should remedy that.  FoH is actually having a sale on them.  Maybe I should pick a few more up *smirk

It's like those special panties I only get out when I know they'll be put to good use. 

I used to keep my panties separated in two drawers: Those I wear on a daily basis, and those special ones I was saving.  Saving for what, I wondered today when I was looking through them.  I bought them because I loved them.  Why not wear them?

I'm not separating them anymore.  And I actually threw out several pair that I kept around that are probably well past their expiration date (Yes, clothes do have an expiration date.)

Life's too short to not wear the cute panties - the sexy night shirt - the sexy silky camisole under a blouse to work - the skimpy little chemises to bed. 

Life is too short to not feel drop dead gorgeous every minute of every day.

That's my new goal. 

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