Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cue The Pulse

For the last two seasons of QaF, they changed the theme song.  I have to admit, I like the second one better.

I'll also be the first to admit that until I looked it up on Google, I couldn't understand what they were saying (singing), and I kind of thought it was "Have the balls to begin."

Turns out, it's "Cue the Pulse to Begin"

I like mine better :( I like the idea of some theme song telling me to get off my ass and have the courage to start my life anew (or a project or a relationship or hell, exercising...whatever)

Anyway, last week, I wrapped up watching the final season of this amazing series.  I was sad.  It did not end the way I expected it to, but it ended well, and I was thrilled with how the writers wrapped everything up neatly...almost. 

This week, I'm watching the final season of The L Word, my other favorite alternative-sexuality series.  I'm not nearly as attached to The L Word as I was QaF. I'm not sure if that's because there are some characters on TLW that I really don't like (and I didn't have that with QaF) or if it's because TLW occasionally hits a little too close to home for me. 

While I'll admit that I was drawn to both of these shows specifically because of their ties to sexuality, if I were watching only for that, I'd have not gotten past season one of either.  It's the relationships here that have drawn me in and held fast.  Each show takes a glaringly honest view at many types of relationships -- serious, not serious, friendships, family...  nearly every possible angle is covered in vibrant detail.  And I applaud Showtime for having the balls (to begin..ha) to air these series. 

I miss QaF, and I will miss TLW when it's over.

Where does a girl have to go now to find a good show centered on, but not focused on, sexuality in the world today?

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