Friday, June 13, 2008

Come Together...or don't.

I said last week that I’m a book whore. That’s true, and also a little play on words, because typically with every trip to the bookstore, I end up with a non-fiction book about sex or sexuality, or an erotic novel.

I can’t help it. It’s one of my favorite subjects *grin

There’s an interesting quote in one of the books I got recently, which I’m not going to link because frankly, besides this quote and a few web links, the book is just dumb and offers no new information about anything. It’s regurgitated stuff from other books. Or sounds like it, anyway. So while I won’t promote it, I will use the quote (there, that’ll teach someone to write unoriginally, won’t it? HA)

“Simultaneous orgasms are great, but you do run the risk of ignoring each other. Sometimes, it’s more fun to come one at a time so you can watch.”

I read that a couple times, and then gave it some thought. And it’s true.

I enjoy watching a man that I’m interacting sexually with cum. I like to watch his face, his body, and I like to listen.

That’s pretty difficult to do when I wrapped up in a writing, whimpering mass at the point of my own orgasm.

The author goes on to say that it’s nearly impossible to do, which it’s not. If you’re practiced at controlling and containing your orgasms, if you can –wait- it’s not that difficult to do. But her original statement remains true; it is a lot of fun to watch.

I think somewhere along the line, simultaneous orgasm got romanticized, probably by some married women in the 70’s when women started really having a lot of orgasms, and really only had sex to express love and commitment to their husbands. I can see the reason behind wanting to do it, having felt this way myself. Cumming together, if you’re in a ‘love’ situation, can signify to a woman that they are completely in tune with their partner and linked with them. It can reinforce their feeling that they’re doing the right thing. Totally understandable.

*shrug It doesn’t really mean any of that though and delusions aren’t all that healthy are they?

Sex is supposed to be fun, whether you’re doing it as an expression of love, a way to procreate or just to do it. It’s not fun if you’re concentrating so hard on hurrying up or slowing down so that you can share a 15 second moment with your lover. Does that sound fun to you?

Well, unless you’re doing it to sexually torture and tease someone…then maybe it’s fun …

But I’ll think about that later!

And so will you. Won’t you? *grin

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