Saturday, March 31, 2007

CoP (Dun Dun Dun!)

I’ve written extensively about personal responsibility and it’s relationship to BDSM; how if you can’t take care of yourself, you aren’t cut out for the ‘lifestyle’.

And then, those three little words that make me cringe appear on my screen …..

Collar of Protection (dun dun dun!)

If you need a Collar of Protection (dun dun dun!), chances are you aren't ready for this lifestyle. If you are 'too trusting' chances are in all parts of your life you are a statistic waiting to happen. Why not work on those areas of your life first and develop the skill set necessary to trust your intuition and use common sense wisely?

I have never understood the whole Collar of Protection (dun dun dun!) thing. You have to be willing and able to take care of yourself before your submission to anyone means anything - to you included. Why would a man want a female submissive that trusts everyone immediately? He wouldn't feel remotely special about you giving him your trust. Believe it or not, there are many dominants in this lifestyle that get off on *that aspect of this. They want to be the ONE you TRUST.

Maybe I just don’t understand the Collar of Protection (dun dun dun!). Maybe it really isn’t a euphemism for ‘I have a dominant! Yay!’. Maybe it’s not about ‘I’m so desperate for dominant attention that if I just play weak and cute and needy, I’ll get it’. Maybe it’s really about more than someone not wanting to take care of themselves, and putting the responsibility for their life choices on someone else.


Look, I’m sorry. I’m not here to coddle anyone. Not only do I not ascribe to the whole ‘Submissive With a Broken Wing’ syndrome, I also don’t think I have to be any more accepting of anyone else’s bullshit here or otherwise. BDSM is not an acronym for “We Take All Comers and Will Hug You”.

Fact of the matter is, if you can’t take care of yourself, stay home. Expecting anyone else to take care of you is narcissistic, rude and just plain annoying. Not only that, but it makes me say mean, evil things and... and…hmmm.... wait...

Maybe I need a Collar of Protection from the Collar of Protection (dun dun dun!) crowd….yea…that’s it….


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