Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So, I brought my tennis shoes to work with week with the intention of walking at lunch.

Monday, it was rainy. Tuesday it was rainy. Today, my allergies are in high gear. Ugh.

I will do it though. I got my claritin. The weather for the rest of the week looks good. I need to do it, as I have no motivation to exercise at night anymore. That, and I hate TV and my dvd player is busted and I've yet to go get a new one.


In other news... well, there isn't any.

I did find a few new kinky folks in EQ *grin*. That's always fun. Did buy a few new shirts today, cute ones, in a smaller size again. The scale is moving again. I'm nearly ready for summer.

My eyes are glassy today from the allergies, so this is all I'll be writing. It's all I can do right now to focus on the screen to work.

Sunshine! :)

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